Buckle up my friends this one is a doozy. I love making fun and silly tarot spreads where I incorporate my favorite movies, shows and food but truthfully Tarot is not only my job but its the way i express and explore things that id typically consider "harder" or "undesirable", in this case its "overspending".
I personally have a lot of money anxiety but I also stress shop, make that one make sense. I'm also in a period of saving as I have personal and professional goals I'm working towards that truthfully could just use a little ( or a lot) more funding. So with budgeting and a dash of anxiety on my mind I realized it was time to not just say I wanted to work on my overspending, I needed to actually address it at its roots. So I made this spread
Ill be honest, while I was creating this spread i jokingly sent it to a friend with the caption " today seems like a good day to hurt my own feelings" and while that still makes me chuckle I do want to take a second to remind you to really sit with your card answers, process them now, and then look back at them in a week. Sometimes the truth is hard. Be kind to yourself, cause the cards likely wont ha!
Grab your deck and lets get to it !

The Root of your overspending - What emotional or psychological factors contribute to my overspending tendencies?
Awareness + Reflection- What do I need to be aware of and reflect upon regarding my overspending habits?
Finding to Financial Balance- What steps/ strategies can I take to achieve better financial balance and control?
Long-Term Resolution- What can I expect in the long run if I commit to overcoming my overspending habits?
