Lughnasadh also known as lammas or the first harvest , is a time to give thanks for the beginning of our harvest season. Often celebrated with harvests of fruits and wheat, bread making, corn dollys and gatherings.
Below is a tarot spread to navigate the energy of this celebration, and the harvest season ahead.

Grab a deck and your journal, find a comfy spot and lets start shuffling.
The Wheel of Lughnasadh
The Grain Mother - This card represents the nurturing and protective energy surrounding you during this time
Harvest- This card depicts opportunities and rewards in your life ready for you to harvest and enjoy
Corn Dolly- This card represents a way to creatively express yourself during this time, finding joy in the things you do
The Grain Reaper- a final card to explore the ways you can seek balance as you reap what you sow
I Hope you Enjoy.